How does CBD affect our sleep?
Date 21 June 2023

Whether you are a student, a young mother or the head of a large company, everyone dreams of a good, restful sleep. Unfortunately, the fast pace of life, work and daily worries often lead to a lack of quality sleep and its consequences – fatigue, irritability, anxiety, lack of concentration or even headaches. In search of solutions to help modern people, scientists have discovered the benefits of CBD for sleep. We invite you to learn about it too!

Getting to know CBD

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the most valuable substances found in the hemp plant. Cannabidiol has a positive effect on the body and mind, promotes the efficient functioning of body processes and contributes to the regulation of stress, sleep and fatigue. Unlike THC, CBD does not cause psychoactive effects, so it is safe to use. In addition, this substance can be found in various forms: oil, capsules, gummies, creams, etc., so everyone can choose the right product for themselves. More information about this and other cannabinoids found in the fibrous hemp plant and their effects can be found HERE.

Good sleep begins where there is peace

The quality of sleep depends on many different factors, one of the most important of which is peace. It must not only exist in the environment, but also inside you. Fatigue, anxiety, and other negative emotions cause the brain to work harder, making it difficult to relax and fall into a deep sleep at night.

That’s why, after experiencing one or more episodes of insomnia, you should first prepare the foundation for a good night’s sleep – calm your thoughts, balance your breathing rhythm, and relax your body. The use of CBD products may contribute to this – this cannabinoid is extremely popular for its effectiveness in combating stress, and one of its main features is its positive effect on the nervous system and calming properties.

Sleep cycle regulation

CBD may also be important in regulating the 24-hour biological clock in our brain, responsible for the sleep-wake cycle, which is scientifically called the circadian rhythm. The latter receives signals from light-sensitive eye cells and helps synchronize our body’s activity with the natural light-dark cycle.

Two hormonal substances are actively involved in these processes – cortisol and melatonin. The first is usually released in the morning, before waking up, and the second in the evening, before falling asleep. Under the influence of stress, fatigue, illness or other factors, hormonal processes become unbalanced, the body secretes more cortisol and sleep deteriorates, a person wakes up more often.

The latest scientific research shows that CBD helps regulate the production of cortisol in the body, which also leads to a more efficient circadian rhythm. In other words, as the quality of sleep improves and its duration increases, other processes in the body also function more smoothly – sensitivity to physical and emotional stimuli decreases, resistance to fatigue increases, and productivity and creativity increase.

A remedy for pain relief

It’s no secret that pain or other physical discomfort can interfere with falling asleep, lead to frequent awakenings at night, and morning fatigue. CBD is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, so it can help relieve various types of mild to moderate pain, such as headache, muscle pain, or menstrual pain. By inhibiting pain receptors in the body, cannabidiol has a relaxing effect and helps you fall asleep faster.

A comprehensive approach to the problem

In order to improve the quality of sleep, it is extremely important to rationally assess the situation and act comprehensively – to organize your diet, work-rest regime, pay attention to the environment in which you will rest (get rid of irritants, provide fresh air, proper lighting in the room, etc.). Products with CBD can be a great help, helping you sleep longer, more peacefully and feel more refreshed in the morning. It is important to remember that if you have chronic sleep problems, it is first recommended to consult with specialists, and only then take additional measures.

Have you tried the gummies or oil drops from the cannuLAB Deep Sleep line? Discover them and more in our assortment!